Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Republicans can't even handle debates but think they can govern the country. Ridiculous!

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  1. Democrats don't have a debate format. An interview is not a debate. Seems Democrats want to protect their nominees just as the Republicans do.

    1. Yes, the recent Democratic "forum" was an interview, not a debate. The Republicans have also held a forum during the campaign. So, But, apparently you missed the first Democratic debate on October 13. There are also five more debates and another forum scheduled. And the Democratic candidates haven't complained about the format as the Republicans did. So your position that Democrats are just as bad as Republicans doesn't withstand simple exposure to the facts.

  2. "So your position that Democrats are just as bad as Republicans doesn't withstand simple exposure to the facts."
    You are talking about just the debates, right?

    1. No. Republicans are far worse for the country in every way. That's obvious to anyone with the basic research skills to investigate the policies of both parties.

  3. The simple fact is as you stated, it was an interview, not a debate. Thanks for proving me correct. Thanks for showing your stupidity by declaring I did not see the first Democratic debate, I did. Thanks for proving your brick wall mind, partisan idiocy. Seems you don't know what facts are. Enjoy your idiotic delusions.

    1. Tom, your response makes no sense at all. The fact that both Democrats and Republicans have had forum-style events this campaign season doesn't prove you correct in any way. You're the one ignoring the fact that the Democrats had a non-forum debate, so saying that shows my stupidity is a non sequitor as well as a childish insult. And you didn't even respond to the basic fact that Republicans have complained about their debates but Democrats haven't. Could you please explain why you think ignoring basic facts and stringing together arrogant insults makes you somehow more intelligent and less partisan? If you're going to take the time to comment here, could you at least try to be reasonable and make sense? If that's too much effort for you, please go spend your time on or some other right-wing website that appreciates fact-free insults.


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