Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fox News Poll Favors Obama ... and Reveals that One Particular Fox News Lie is Working

A new Fox News poll shows President Obama beating Mitt Romney (by 4 points), Rick Santorum (by 12 ponts), Ron Paul (by 12 points), and Newt Gingrich (by 18 points) in head-to head election matchups.

The Fox News polls are usually far more "fair and balanced" than the network's actual "news" coverage, which is mostly dishonest right-wing propaganda. For example, this same poll showed that voters generally disapprove of the president's handling of gas prices. As a distraction from other good economic news, Fox News has been blaming the president for the recent rise in gas prices, despite the fact that serious analysis shows that other factors control the price.

In reality, no president has much control over gas prices, as Fox's Bill O'Reilly himself and others said ... back when that president was George W. Bush.

Just because the propaganda may be influencing voters' opinions doesn't mean it's based in fact. Just don't tell O'Reilly and his coworkers.


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