Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
The White House is no place for fakers.
Rand Paul's serial plagiarism, conspiracy theories, and ties to far-right-wing extremists are bad enough. But now he's kicking off his presidential campaign by releasing fake tapes of his potential opponents. Sorry Rand, but the White House is no place for someone who behaves like a junior high student in detention.
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Thursday, January 29, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Republicans are lying about "Honest Abe" again.
Republicans love to cite Abraham Lincoln, but they almost always misrepresent him.
Ohio Governor John Kasich is the latest example, using a fake Lincoln quote and misrepresenting his tax policies. Lincoln actually instituted a progressive income tax to help pay for the Civil War. By contrast, during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Republicans cut taxes during wartime for the first time in American history.
The parties have changed so much over the years that, if he were alive today, Lincoln would obviously be a Democrat.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Boehner and McConnell gish-galloped through their 60 Minutes interview.
John Boehner and Mitch McConnell flooded our television screens with a long list of outright lies during their 60 Minutes interview Sunday night. Scott Pelley tried, but no one could possibly keep up with all the distortions, misinformation, and fabrication coming from the two leaders of the Republican Party. Dishonesty has become standard operating procedure because Republicans know that the truth about their party's actions would be rejected by most Americans.
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Monday, January 26, 2015
Which country are Republicans working for?
The Republican love affair with Vladimir Putin is bad enough. But when Republicans actively undermine President Obama's foreign policy by courting Benjamin Netanyahu, they're getting dangerously close to putting foreign interests above their loyalty to the United States. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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Sunday, January 25, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
MLK on the minimum wage: raise it.
Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, whose liberal American values about human dignity included the idea that all people deserve the opportunity to work for a living wage. Nearly five decades later, King's call to raise the minimum wage still needs to be heard.
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Sunday, January 18, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Would-be shooter or "good guy with a gun"?
How are the sane people supposed to know the difference between a would-be shooter and an "good guy with a gun"? Is there really much of a difference?
This gun-rights advocate brandished his weapon in the Washington State House gallery to protest new gun-safety laws. He claimed he wasn't trying to intimidate anyone, which is completely ridiculous.
Details here:
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Friday, January 16, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Republican immigration policy: meaningless votes and withholding Homeland Security funding.
In addition to taking meaningless and childish votes, Republicans in Congress are withholding funding to the entire Department of Homeland Security as a bargaining chip. Their actions are irresponsible and an insult to the many dedicated law enforcement officers working in that department to keep us safe.
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Texas-Sized Republican Derp on Display
Texas Republican Randy Weber deleted his Obama/Hitler tweet and sort of "apologized" (although not to the president)--but what kind of twisted thought process leads a person to the conclusion that comparing anyone to Hitler is a good idea?
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
Not-So-Shocking Predictions for 2015
As the new year begins, let's look into our fake crystal ball and predict some of the biggest news stories of 2015.
President Obama will take executive action to help the
American people, and most Republicans will pretend that no president in history
ever took any similar actions, and they'll shout that Obama is an evil dictator
who also happens to be a clueless pawn manipulated by special interests.
Critics of the president will simultaneously claim he should
be nicer and tougher on Republicans. They will not see the slightest
contradiction in their views.
Clear evidence will show that Obamacare continues to help
Americans get high-quality, affordable health insurance, saving millions of
dollars and thousands of lives. Republicans will continue to claim that the law
is a Socialist train wreck meant to destroy American and kill Grandma.
A plane will crash somewhere the Eastern Hemisphere under
mysterious circumstances. Within hours of the first reports, someone will claim
that President Obama is happy that a plane crashed so the media will be too
distracted to ask questions about Benghazi.
Despite multiple investigations that have shown no
wrongdoing by the presidential administration, Republicans in Congress will spend
millions of taxpayers' dollars to convene Benghazi hearings, asking questions
that have been repeatedly answered while casting blame where none exists and
trying to score cheap political points from a tragedy.
The evidence that global climate change is already affecting
us will be overwhelming, but people addicted to the conservative agenda and
fossil fuels will rant that obvious reality is a liberal hoax.
An exotic disease that causes untold suffering in other
parts of the world will make a brief appearance in the United States. Our
public health system will prevent the disease from spreading, but elected
Republicans and conservative media pundits will fearmonger and blame President
Obama for an outbreak that doesn't happen.
Marriage equality will bring an improved level of
civilization to many states and simultaneously bring cries of the end of
civilization from many conservatives.
Several truly terrible former, current, and prospective
politicians will be the focus of speculation about a run for the Republican
Presidential nomination. None of these people will ever be president, thank
Some conservative pundits and Republican presidential
candidates will make offhand remarks implying that Hillary Clinton is too old
to run for president. Most of the people making these comments will actually be
older than Hillary Clinton.
Some reality-impaired commentators will go on obscure
right-wing talk shows to warn everyone that President Obama plans to cancel the
2016 elections and stay in the presidency. Thousands if not millions of
gullible people will nod their heads in agreement. At least one Republican
member of Congress will repeat this laughable claim as if it deserves serious
Vladimir Putin will continue to defy international common
sense and run the Russian economy into the ground while many fake-patriots will
praise Putin as somehow superior to our own president.
Extremist Muslims will kill innocent people, and many
conservative pundits will blame an entire religion. Extremist Christians will
kill innocent people, and many conservative pundits will call them "lone
After a shooting, Republicans will tell everyone that mental
health, not guns, is the real issue. Then these same Republicans will try to
destroy Obamacare, the largest expansion of mental health treatment access in
American history.
Several rouge police officers will kill or injure unarmed
civilians, and anyone who demands that these bad apples be held accountable
will be accused of hating all police officers.
Some Democratic candidates for office will pretend that they
don't support many of President Obama's positions. They will lose. Some
Republican candidates will pretend that they support many of Obama's positions,
being careful not to name the president. They will win.
A dwindling but loud contingent of insecure conservatives
will claim that the phrase "Happy Holidays" is oppressive to the
hundreds of millions of Americans who freely celebrate Christmas with no hint
of actual oppression.
Some elected Democrats and liberal commentators will make
occasional remarks that are not completely accurate. Hundreds of elected
Republicans and conservative pundits will frequently make blatantly false
statements. Instead of researching the issues and pointing out falsehoods, the
mainstream corporate media will coddle both sides equally as if equating truth
and lies makes their reporting unbiased.
Fox News will make many ridiculous claims about President
Obama--that he's trying to ban cupcake sprinkles, for example. Yet Fox will
still be the highest-rated "news" network in the world because
dishonesty and fake outrage have always been components of Fox's successful
business model.
Obviously, we really don't need a crystal ball to predict
what will happen in 2015. The best predictor of the near future has
always been the recent past. All of the predictions listed here are actually
events that happened in 2014. Many also popped up in 2013. And 2012, 2011,
2010, 2009, etc. You get the idea.
A good New Year's resolution might be to recognize
the pattern. Let's stop being surprised and call out these events in the coming
year, holding the misinformers accountable. Better yet, let's work to prevent
as much of this insanity in 2015 as we can.
This column originally appeared in my hometown newspaper, the award-winning Daily Hampshire Gazette.
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Sunday, January 11, 2015
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Friday, January 9, 2015
Mitch McConnell got caught spreading Kentucky horse manure again.
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spent the last six years claiming that the bad economy was all Obama's fault. Meanwhile, Republicans blocked Obama's jobs bills and did almost nothing to help the American people. Now McConnell says that the economy is magically improving because Republicans just took over the Congress. That's a big bucket of good, old-fashioned, Kentucky horse manure. Ask PolitiFact.
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Thursday, January 8, 2015
Anyone who use the phrase "Biblical Marriage" should actually be required to read the Bible.
Anyone who use the phrase "Biblical Marriage" should actually be required to read the Bible. The part about executing non-virgin women sounds pretty terrible, to say the least. This isn't an attack on Christians in general. It's a call to accountability for people who exploit any religion to support their own prejudices.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Monday, January 5, 2015
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Deniers gonna deny.
Climate change is contributing to freak weather across the globe. Deniers can deny all they want and claim that snow disproves global climate change, but scientists agree and the evidence is clear.
Click here for an explanation of how climate changes leads to more snowstorms.
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