Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
There's a reason Limbaugh is on the radio and not TV
Rush Limbaugh: Conservative hero, misogynist, and wellspring of hate. The fact that he frequently makes derogatory comments about many women's appearance or weight is astounding. Anyone who takes this creep seriously has no place in an adult conversation.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Do Republicans know that the Post Office is in the U.S. Constitution?
Nothing against the hard-working employees of UPS and FedEx, but those private companies had a hard time making deliveries this Christmas. The U.S Post Office is a better alternative--despite the fact that Republicans have been trying to kill it.
Before anyone claims that e-mail is killing the Post Office, please get the facts. The Republican Party has actively sabotaged and obstructed the Post Office, causing about 99% of its current problems.
Our founders established the Post Office in Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the Constitution because they knew that communication between citizens enhances the public good and shouldn't be exploited for private profit. Once again, Republicans have ignored the lessons of our founders.
Before anyone claims that e-mail is killing the Post Office, please get the facts. The Republican Party has actively sabotaged and obstructed the Post Office, causing about 99% of its current problems.
Our founders established the Post Office in Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the Constitution because they knew that communication between citizens enhances the public good and shouldn't be exploited for private profit. Once again, Republicans have ignored the lessons of our founders.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
What if?
French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre said, "Hell is other people."
Today's right-wingers all too often show us that "Hell is willfully
ignorant people."
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
It's a Wonderful, Liberal Life!
Henry Potter put profits above people. George Bailey put people above
profits. If Potter were a real person alive today, he'd watch Fox News,
donate to right-wing organizations, and vote a straight Republican
ticket. America loves this movie because, at our core, we are a nation
that embraces liberal values.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
PolitiFact.com's "Lie of the Year" is "half true" ... PolitiFact, you're fired!
PolitiFact.com just lost all credibility when they named
President Obama's "If you like your health care plan, you can keep
it" as their "lie of the year."
First, PolitiFact actually rated Obama's statement "half true." They named their "lie of the year"
based only on an online poll, not on the actual analysis of the statement.
All of the other choices in the poll, mostly outright lies
by Republicans, were rated "false" or "pants on Fire." Why
is a "half true" statement even one of the possible choices for
"lie of the year"? How does a reputable fact-checking organization
let an online poll determine its "lie of the year" instead of actual
analysis of the statement? How can a statement be the "lie of the
year" when it's "half true"?
Second, less than 2% of insured people had their policies
cancelled by their insurance company.
Third, most of the cancelled policies were junk policies with
little coverage and high costs that were sold after the Affordable Care Act was
passed, the insurance companies knew they wouldn't meet the legal minimum
requirements for acceptable policies that kicked in this year.
Fourth, most of the reports of people angry about their
policies being cancelled were lies from the right or sloppy journalism. The
people whose policies were cancelled could usually get better policies at less
cost under the Affordable Care Act.
Fifth, if people already had purchased those junk policies
before the Affordable Care Act was passed, they could keep them--just as the
president said.
Here are just a few of the much bigger right-wing lies about
health-care reform that PolitiFact had to choose from:
- Obamacare exempts Muslims. (pants on fire)
- Obamacare exempts members of Congress. (false)
- Obamacare will question your sex life. (pants on fire)
- Obamacare means forced home inspections by government
agents. (pants on fire)
- Doctors who went to American medical schools won't accept
Obamacare. (pants on fire)
- The IRS will administer Obamacare, know all your personal
information, and deny health care to conservatives. (pants on fire)
Earlier this year, a study of PolitiFact's findings showed
that Republicans lie far more often than Democrats.
Yet PolitiFact let an online poll choose Obama's statement,
which was an exaggeration at worst, as the "lie of the year." PolitiFact's ridiculous selection of the
president's statement as "lie of the year" simply gives credibility
to a Republican Party that bases much of its politics and policies on
We desperately need fact-checkers in our world of dishonest
public figures and sloppy journalists, so when a big-name fact-checker such as
PolitiFact gets its "lie of the year" so wrong, it damages public
discourse in countless ways. In the words of Rachel Maddow, "PolitiFact,
you're fired."
Update: Adding further embarrassment to PolitiFact's lie of the year for 2013 is the fact that PolitiFact could have check its own rulings to see President Obama's overall honesty.
All politicians, pundits, and activists stretch the truth to some extent. But President Obama has been remarkably honest, according to PolitiFact itself.
PoltiFact has checked the president 500 times over his career, more than twice as often as any other politician, and he has been rated "half true," "mostly true" or "true" 73% of the time, a far higher percentage than most other politicians or media figures.
Anyone who thinks the president is some kind of pathological liar is misinformed.
Update: Adding further embarrassment to PolitiFact's lie of the year for 2013 is the fact that PolitiFact could have check its own rulings to see President Obama's overall honesty.
All politicians, pundits, and activists stretch the truth to some extent. But President Obama has been remarkably honest, according to PolitiFact itself.
PoltiFact has checked the president 500 times over his career, more than twice as often as any other politician, and he has been rated "half true," "mostly true" or "true" 73% of the time, a far higher percentage than most other politicians or media figures.
Anyone who thinks the president is some kind of pathological liar is misinformed.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
An Optimistic Look at 2013
I recently told a friend that I planned to write about the good news of 2013, and he asked, "Was there any?" Actually … yes.
Anyone who knows me knows
that I'm a liberal. But sometimes I have to help define "liberal" in
the wake of decades-long right-wing attacks on the term. Liberalism is
optimistic at its core, which is at odds with current political pessimism. But
liberals see the good in people and the potential for good government as
"we the people." Yes, we see the reality that not everything in the
world is wonderful, but we don't ignore the positive.
And 2013 saw far more
positives than the typical news reports would lead us to believe.
Topping the year's list of
good news is Obamacare. Yes, that's correct. Obamacare is good news! The
over-criticized HealthCare.gov website is vastly improved after only two
months. Consumer Reports calls it "terrific." The Congressional
Budget Office recently reported that the law has already saved hundreds of
billions of dollars more than originally predicted. And, best of all, the
insurance exchanges are helping Americans all over the nation get affordable
In blue states that
cooperated with the new law by setting up state exchanges and accepting the
federally funded Medicaid expansion, Obamcare has thrived. Even in red state
Kentucky, where the governor is a Democrat, the law is a big success. Hundreds
of thousands of uninsured people nationwide have already signed up for
insurance, and millions more will follow.
Now that people are actually
getting insurance through Obamacare, Republicans in Congress might finally
abandon their nonsensical fake-repeal efforts. It's one thing to vote nearly
four dozen times for symbolic repeal, but it's completely different to try to
take actual health insurance away from people who vote.
Can you imagine the positive
impact if Republicans had helped instead of obstructed, and if the media had
done its job? Initial reports about the people being hurt by Obamacare were a
combination of sloppy journalism and right-wing propaganda. The thousands of
Obamacare "good news" stories hardly get covered because they don't
fit the narrative that "If it bleeds, it leads." Attacks generate
ratings far better than reporting that a government program is actually helping
The good news is that the
attacks were debunked within days. The people wailing about losing their
coverage got better policies for less money through Obamacare. In the reality
where human being actually live outside the 24-hour news cycle, the vast
majority of Americans will pay less or be unaffected under Obamacare. Only 1-3%
of Americans might have to pay more--while getting far better coverage than the
junk policies they had before. Unfortunately, the media counts on people
remembering the attacks and ignoring the corrections.
The law has actually been
providing good news for several years now, curbing insurance company abuses
with common-sense regulations, such as 80% of premiums go toward actual heath
care, not being denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions, and women
not being discriminated against or forced to pay more for insurance. Basic regulations
might not be as gripping a headline as made-up death panels, but they're
fantastic victories for everyday citizens trying to navigate the David and Goliath
world of health care.
Despite the negative media
narrative, the public is actually optimistic about Obamacare. A recent CNN/ORC
poll showed that 54% of Americans favored the law or wanted it to do more,
while only 40% opposed it. More good news about the start-up of Obamacare is
that people are again discussing single-payer reform, something that has a far
better chance to become a reality in the foreseeable future because of
Obamacare's 2013 advances.
There's other good news on
the foreign policy front, as the nation overcame extremely difficult
circumstances in Syria and Iran. The media would have us believe that President
Obama lucked into the Syria deal or that the Iran deal was just an attempt to
distract from initial problems with Obamacare. That's just unrealistic
In reality, both the Syria
and Iran deals resulted from long-term diplomatic efforts conducted outside
media scrutiny. The president, Secretary of State John Kerry, and countless
diplomats worked against deep resistance to broker groundbreaking deals and
avoid the military actions so many right-wing voices have cheered.
The early benefits are
heartening: Syria's chemical weapons facilities have already been destroyed,
and Iran recently invited independent nuclear inspectors into their nation,
outcomes even the most optimistic observers wouldn't have predicted. These are
victories far more meaningful than a million bombs dropped on foreign soil.
In judicial matters, the
Supreme Court made a landmark marriage-equality ruling, taking some of the
sting out of the terrible Voting Rights Act decision. Several new states have
followed our New England lead by legalizing same-sex marriage. The court's
ruling was especially important because it should pave the way for legalization
in more states. Also, federal benefits are now legally guaranteed to same-sex
couples no matter where they live. Even Texas now recognizes same-sex couple
military benefits, something that would have seemed impossible just a year ago.
At the voting booth, the
2013 off-off-year elections saw much good news at the state and local levels.
Democrats swept statewide elections in the swing state of Virginia, defeating a
slate of far-right candidates. New York elected a liberal mayor, as did
Charlotte, Dayton, and Houston. New Jersey residents were confused enough to
reelect Republican Chris Christie, but they resoundingly overturned Christie's
earlier veto of a minimum wage increase.
In economic news, the
unemployment rate just dropped to 7%, the lowest since the economic crash five
year ago. The nation has had 45 straight months of private sector job growth, a
start contrast to the millions of jobs lost as the economy fell like lead
through pudding at the end of the Bush presidency. And the stock market seems to
hit a new record high every other day.
The economy should and could
have been far better this year, as it should have been in previous years. The
2013 improvements would have been far greater if Republicans had not obstructed
every job-creating measure simply because they view economic improvements as a
political victory for the president instead of something everyone wants and
The year 2013 has been a bit
like the classic question of whether the glass is half full or half empty.
Republicans believe the glass once contained shining water on a hill but is now
contaminated by socialist fluoridation. The tea party variety of Republican
believes lazy, brown-skinned poor people, aided by their Kenyan president, are
drinking all their hard-earned water. Liberals see 2013 as a glass half full.
Yes, we see a layer of scum on top of the water, but that's what the 2014
elections should be all about: skimming the scum.
One aspect of being an
optimist is that you must be a realist first. Yes, the reality of 2013 had many
shortcomings. I won't name them here because they dominated the media's
fascination with negativity. When optimists see the reality of 2013's problems,
we acknowledge that bad things happened, but we go a step further and ask how we
can solve those problems. Being a liberal optimist isn't about making up good
things--it's about accomplishing good things.
Nelson Mandela once said,
"I am fundamentally an optimist." After 27 years of unjust
imprisonment, he had every reason to turn to pessimism. Being optimistic about
2013 is hard work, no doubt, considering everything that needs improvement. But
liberals are optimists who never shy away from the hard work of making the
world a better place.
And here's one last bit of
good news: Right here in my hometown of Northampton, Massachusetts, one of the
most liberal places in the country but with its own stubborn pockets of old New England conservatism,
our most progressive candidates swept every city council election for the first
time in years. If that's not reason to celebrate, I don't know what is.
John Sheirer is the author
of the book Tales of a Real AmericanLiberal and an administrator of the popular Facebook page by the same name.
His new book is Libby Speaks: The Wit and Wisdom of the World's Wisest Dog. He can be found at johnsheirer.com.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Boehner Gets Obamacare!
For years, Republicans kept asking, "If Obamacare is so great, how come Congress exempted themselves from it?"
Like so many other Republican claims about the Affordable Care Act, that's an outright lie. The Speaker of the House, who tried to repeal the law more than 40 times, just signed up for it. The sign-up process took him less than a day.
Whenever Republicans talk about Obamacare, there's a very good chance they're lying.
Like so many other Republican claims about the Affordable Care Act, that's an outright lie. The Speaker of the House, who tried to repeal the law more than 40 times, just signed up for it. The sign-up process took him less than a day.
Whenever Republicans talk about Obamacare, there's a very good chance they're lying.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Happy birthday, Joe Biden (one day late)!
Happy birthday, Joe Biden!
Remember his "chocolate" bullets letter? Classic Biden.
Dear Vice President Biden,
I have a great idea to help make the country safer, better and the best. I think guns should shoot out chocolate bullets. The no one will get killed and on one will be sad.
Dear Myles,
I and sorry it took me so long to respond to your letter. I really like your idea. If we had guns that shot chocolate, not only would our country be safer, it would be happier. People love chocolate.
You are a good boy,
Remember his "chocolate" bullets letter? Classic Biden.
Dear Vice President Biden,
I have a great idea to help make the country safer, better and the best. I think guns should shoot out chocolate bullets. The no one will get killed and on one will be sad.
Dear Myles,
I and sorry it took me so long to respond to your letter. I really like your idea. If we had guns that shot chocolate, not only would our country be safer, it would be happier. People love chocolate.
You are a good boy,
Joe Biden
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Comparing MSNBC and Fox News is like comparing apples to rotten apples.
Republicans love to say that MSNBC is left-wing and Fox News is right-wing, as if the two are equally biased.
There's a technical term for that kind of comparison: bullsh*t.
MSNBC is a news network with left-leaning, reality-based opinion shows in the evening. Fox News is Republican propaganda. Anyone who doesn't understand the difference is accepting the big lie that allows Fox News to tell hundreds of smaller lies every day.
Check out a prime example where a Fox News talking head forgets that their bias is supposed to be sort of a secret.
MediaMatters.org, NewsHounds.us, and NewsCorpse.com all debunk Fox News lies on a daily basis.
For a detailed examination of the Fox News propaganda business model, check out the book The Fox Effect.
There's a technical term for that kind of comparison: bullsh*t.
MSNBC is a news network with left-leaning, reality-based opinion shows in the evening. Fox News is Republican propaganda. Anyone who doesn't understand the difference is accepting the big lie that allows Fox News to tell hundreds of smaller lies every day.
Check out a prime example where a Fox News talking head forgets that their bias is supposed to be sort of a secret.
MediaMatters.org, NewsHounds.us, and NewsCorpse.com all debunk Fox News lies on a daily basis.
For a detailed examination of the Fox News propaganda business model, check out the book The Fox Effect.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
When Fringe Becomes Mainstream
Two guys recently set up posters on
a local street corner showing President Obama with a Hitler moustache. They
yelled at passing cars that President Obama was a foreign, Nazi, mass-murdering
terrorist who should be impeached and sent to prison. Between shouts, they
pushed flyers at glaring pedestrians.
I walked up and politely asked what evidence they had for their
claims. "It's all in here," one guy said, shoving a flyer toward me.
"I'm asking you as one
human being to another," I replied. "When did the president commit
mass murder?"
I looked into his face until he
finally made eye-contact. He couldn't answer my question--literally couldn't
answer. Both guys actually stopped talking and looked embarrassed, suddenly
more interested in studying the sidewalk than talking with me.
Because I didn't know the next
time I'd be face-to-face with people voicing such ridiculous views, I asked
some simple follow-up questions: "Where did you get your information? Do
you know that I found five factual errors in just a ten-second skim of your
flyer? Who's paying you to be here? Are you trained to ignore people who ask
reasonable questions? Do you really believe this stuff, or is this just
performance art?"
But they turned their backs and
resumed yelling their nonsense with slightly less gusto. Either they were
ashamed of what they were saying or they were ashamed of their inability to
defend their accusations.
Our nation is full of people who
inhabit the fringe of public opinion. Unfortunately, many aren't limited to
yelling on street corners. Radio host Alex Jones rants about the Aurora and
Newtown shootings being "false flags" staged by the government. Glenn
Beck spins tales of impending government concentration camps. Rush
Limbaugh--well, everything he says is a farcical froth of belligerent
Lunacy exists, and I suppose it
always has. When I was a kid, some crackpots claimed that Blacks and Jews would
come from the city to our farms and imprison or kill us. Back then, though,
most of those people didn't have powerful microphones. They just whispered
their crazy theories in church basements to people too polite to tell them to
screw off.
Unfortunately, there's not much difference between the street-corner guys yelling about Obama and many "mainstream" Republicans these days. More and more, they sound like church-basement whisperers of my youth. Prominent Republicans make frequent guest appearances for Jones, Beck, and Limbaugh as if they're on the nightly news and not legitimizing unhinged ignorance.
Many current Republican positions are so absurd that no one
should take them seriously. Tax cuts for the wealthy trickle down to the middle
class. Poor people are lazy. More guns leads to fewer gun crimes. Government is
evil. Smaller government is always better--unless you're gay or pregnant, in
which case government must be big enough to invade your most private places.
And then there's the litany of lies about the Affordable
Care Act, aka Obamacare. One after another--from death panels to socialism to
the IRS carting us off to jail--these lies all get debunked. That doesn't stop
Republicans from repeating them and creating more.
Republican representative Joe Barton said in a Congressional
hearing that a secret message in the Obamacare website strips Americans of
their medical privacy. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who once said
Republicans should stop being "the stupid party," recently told six
lies about Obamacare in less than a minute on national television. In his
defense, he never claimed that Republicans shouldn't be "the lying
Republican are now led by far-right reality deniers like
shutdown champion Ted Cruz and serial-plagiarist Rand Paul. They spread their
lies on propaganda-enabling Fox News and are rarely challenged by sloppy
journalists in the mainstream corporate media. Long-time conservatives get
primaried out of office by Tea Party neo-confederates who campaign on birther
jokes and gun conspiracies. Twenty-seven Senate Republicans recently voted to
condemn their two-week-old votes to avoid a debt default, denouncing even their
own temporary sanity.
Some of my Republican friends on Facebook post charts to
prove that Obama caused the recession in 2008. When I point out that Obama took
office in 2009, they reply, "spoken like a true liberal," as if
they've made a winning persuasive point. They use "liberal" as a safe
word to make me stop hurting them with sadistic facts. Then they tell me that
God will punish me, but their cringe-worthy spelling would make any higher
power blush.
Some Republicans compare
liberals to Saul Alinsky (repeating a name they probably don't know but have
heard their right-wing media role models use), or they just accuse us of being
crazy or dishonest when we cite facts. I generally ask them to look up
"projection" in a dictionary of psychological terms. As my father
once said, "Some people should flush the B.S. in their own toilet before
they start sniffing around their neighbor's bathroom."
We live in a free country where
we can all voice our views--but freedom requires responsibility. The jerks with
the Obama-as-Hitler poster couldn't answer basic questions. Members of Congress
blather about secret computer codes. Facebook friends post obvious falsehoods
and flail against facts.
When people abuse freedom of
speech with ignorance and outright lies, they just look like fools. Our country
deserves better.
Originally published in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.
Originally published in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.