Friday, June 29, 2012


Now that it's passed the constitutional tests, it's time to dismiss the propaganda and understand what Obamacare actually is/does. The law benefits millions of Americans, which is shocking, I know, if your sources of information include Fox Fake News or right-wing radio. In addition to the items on this list, Obamacare also reduces the federal deficit over ten years. That's a bargain!

It's constitutional. End of debate. Now let's please move on and tackle the nation's many other problems instead of joining the Republican Party in vowing to obstruct and repeal every ounce of progress our country makes.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I'm Voting for the Watchdog!

"In some ways, Scott Brown is a human robocall with a few slick talking points that sound good but have no substance." -- page 107, Tales of a Real American Liberal by John Sheirer


Monday, June 25, 2012

On the Tim Corrimal Show Today

I had a great time discussing current events and issues with Dave and Minna on The Tim Corrimal Show today. Give it a listen. NSFW (not safe for work ... or for narrow minds).


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Book Exerpt Published at OpEdNews

An excerpt from Tales of a Real American Liberal was just published at the great progressive news site, OpEdNews. Thanks to publisher Rob Kall for inviting me to submit the article.
Here's a chance to read a selection from the book for free--which will, of course, entice you to buy multiple copies to read and give to friends. (That's the theory, anyway.)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Scott Brown Brags About his Fantasy Life

Temporary Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown claims to have, "secret meetings with kings and queens and prime ministers." Oh, he's such an embarrassment to our great state. I can't wait until November to vote for Elizabeth Warren. Then Mr. Brown can have his imaginary tea parties with royalty whenever he wants to, unburdened by the realities of being in the Senate.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


As my car thermometer testifies, we hit 100 degrees here in New England on the first day of summer. That's almost hot enough to make Fox News admit that global warming isn't some kind of crazy communist hoax meant to make us all worship trees, glaciers, and polar bears, or some such thing. Almost.


At Netroots Nation in Providence, RI, June 8-9, 2012

I attended Netroots Nation 2012, the annual conference for progressive/liberal activists, bloggers, and media members. I was honored to do a booksigning and meet many great people, all committed to making America and the world a better place for everyone.

Signing books Friday afternoon and possibly slightly overdressed for the occasion.

In amazingly good company among the 2012 Netroots authors.

That's a pretty book!

With Lee Camp, famous for his excellent "Moment of Clarity" rants, now in book form.

With David Pakman, founder and host of the David Pakman Show, fellow resident of Northmapton, Massachusetts, and high school classmate of my stepdaughter Danielle.

Van Jones, Cliff Schecter, Lizz Winstead, Shannyn Moore, and David Schuster present the Saturday morning "News Dump."

Elizabeth Warren electrified the crowd with this response to Mitt Romney's claim that corporations are people: “No, Mitt, corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they love, they cry, they dance, they live and they die. Learn the difference.”

I can't wait to vote for her in November!

The Saturday lunch forum featured some heavy hitters: AFL-CIO President Richard Trumpka, Agenda Project founder Erica Payne, Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance Ai-Jen Poo, and Demos think tank Vice Preisdent Heather McGhee.

My favorite workshop featured Alexis McGill Johnson, John Neffinger, and Tara Dowdell, three pundits who often appear on major news networks. Their session gave excellent advice on how to do well when making television appearances. (I also learned that I need to get much younger and much better looking in a hurry if I want a television career!)

I met these nice people … okay, they were cardboard cutouts, but they were the most popular cardboard cutouts at the conference.
